The chairs that she had always used with it were a whole other story. Not the worst chairs in the world, just not my taste. More Gothic than anything. Plus, they just didn't go with the table. So I chose not to inherit them.
Thus, "The Great Chair Debate" began as my husband and I searched for chairs to go with this table.
I wanted an Eames chair, like this one from Room and Board, or the one pictured above. But quite frankly I can't afford to pay over $700.00 or even over $400.00 per chair. I think even if I were a millionaire my husband wouldn't be willing to pay that much for a dining room chair. Which means, if I am ever a millionaire I may have to choose between my husband and a great chair! Or just have a sneaky way of spending money.
Anyway, after much deliberation...searching...fighting and compromising we finally purchased dining room chairs. They aren't perfect to me, but sometimes you have to choose husbands over chairs.
I still like to dream about other chairs though. I'm quite unfaithful to the chairs I have. Here are a few that I was looking at today on West Elm's website. And they are all on sale!

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