Friday, March 13, 2009

How about vinyl?

I have mixed feeling about vinyl.
Definitely trendy. But when trendy is cheap it's okay right?
I think it's fun though. Today while on etsy I found some cute stuff in my "favorites" that I forgot I wanted to buy.

I want to put this xoxo on a photo...or on the frame of a photo maybe...of me and my hubby. Cute, cute. This comes from Tasty Suite's shop.

I actually purchased this bathroom symbol a couple of months ago. I put it on my powder bath door. It makes me happy every time I see it. Again from Tasty Suite.
I really need to get this one for my master bath. Or above my bed. :) From Tasty Suite.
I think these next two would be fun in an office or a girl's room. These both come from Vinyl Fruit's shop.

I may just buy this one today. To go over my bed. I've been coveting these Love Birds for quite awhile now. Again from Vinyl Fruit.

I bought these trash symbols at the same time I bought the restroom one. My trash cans are hidden under the sink, but let me tell you......when I open up that cabinet door and see those cute lime green trash symbols on my white trash cans, it definitely makes seeing my trash a more delightful experience! From Tasty Suite.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

mmmmmmm....Caesar Stone

Today I was on Caesar Stone's website checking out their new colors for 2009. I went to their Gallery and they had such fun & pretty pictures! I had to steal of few.

I just love this orange cafe.

And this POOL TABLE!!! Are you kidding me?!? I would LOVE a pool table like this! I'm totally and completely in love with this.

Very cool sinks. I don't know how they did it, but it's very cool.

Great reception desk! I would be so excited if I walked into an office and saw this. It's the reception desk at their headquarters.

Oh, I love this kitchen. I really love slab that goes down the sides of the cabinets to the floor. I think it is such a great look. The yellow tile backsplash is perfect. This kitchen looks so clean and happy!

A FIREPIT COFFEE TABLE! Good lord, where have I been? I need this.
Check out Caesar Stone's website for all sorts of fun stuff.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Great Chair Debate

About a year ago my hubby and I had an ongoing argument/ dilemma in which I now refer to as "The Great Chair Debate". I had inherited my grandma's dining room table when she passed away. It is really lovely. Walnut, retro modern design, great condition, a little squeaky. I love it....especially because it belonged to my cute little grandma.
The chairs that she had always used with it were a whole other story. Not the worst chairs in the world, just not my taste. More Gothic than anything. Plus, they just didn't go with the table. So I chose not to inherit them.
Thus, "The Great Chair Debate" began as my husband and I searched for chairs to go with this table.
I wanted an Eames chair, like this one from Room and Board, or the one pictured above. But quite frankly I can't afford to pay over $700.00 or even over $400.00 per chair. I think even if I were a millionaire my husband wouldn't be willing to pay that much for a dining room chair. Which means, if I am ever a millionaire I may have to choose between my husband and a great chair! Or just have a sneaky way of spending money.
Anyway, after much deliberation...searching...fighting and compromising we finally purchased dining room chairs. They aren't perfect to me, but sometimes you have to choose husbands over chairs.
I still like to dream about other chairs though. I'm quite unfaithful to the chairs I have. Here are a few that I was looking at today on West Elm's website. And they are all on sale!

Monday, March 2, 2009

An open letter to Miss Elsie Flannigan

I am super excited about the opening of Elsie's new Red Velvet Art Store! I just have one beef, so I thought I would write her a letter.

Dear Elsie,
Congrats on your new Red Velvet Art Store! It looks amazing and I hope to visit the brick and mortar store someday.
I just wish you would put your Thought Bubble (pictured at left) chalkboard up on your website because...well...I really would like to purchase it. I've read rumors on Rachel's blog that they would be in the online shop "soon". I hope the rumors are true! Love, The Amber Avenue Blog

Isn't that Thought Bubble cute? It would be so much fun for photo shoots!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fare Thee Well

I had to go out and buy my last issue of Domino.
My subscription had lapsed.
I had actually sent in my new subscription card on a Sunday a while back and the next day I read about their closing.
So sad.
It was a lovely magazine.
I hate to see lovely things go.
Thanks for a good run.

In related news...
have you seen how much they are going for on ebay?
Good Lord.