Monday, November 30, 2009
So You Think You're Crafty

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Nestle Toll House Pie *Recipe*
I forgot to take any pictures of the food, but here is a photo, recipe and link to the website for the Toll House pie. It's so super easy to make it's ridiculous.

NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Chocolate Chip Pie
Estimated Times:
Preparation - 15 min Cooking - 55 min Cooling Time - 15 min cooling Yields - 8
The sweet, creamy richness of a brown sugar base makes this chocolate chip pie a perfect foil for chopped nuts and whipped or ice cream. Serve with strong coffee or tea.
1 unbaked 9-inch (4-cup volume) deep-dish pie shell *
2 large eggs
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) butter, softened
1 cup (6 oz.) NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels
1 cup chopped nuts
Sweetened whipped cream or ice cream (optional)
PREHEAT oven to 325° F.
BEAT eggs in large mixer bowl on high speed until foamy. Beat in flour, granulated sugar and brown sugar. Beat in butter. Stir in morsels and nuts. Spoon into pie shell.
BAKE for 55 to 60 minutes or until knife inserted halfway between edge and center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack. Serve warm with whipped cream, if desired.
* If using frozen pie shell, use deep-dish style, thawed completely. Bake on baking sheet; increase baking time slightly.
**My Notes: This pie is SO SUPER sweet! I made a very lightly sweetened whipped cream and it really helped tone it down. It says the pie serves eight, so that's how I cut it, but since it's so sweet I would cut the slices even smaller next time.
Also, I didn't add the nuts. I thought I was making this for kids (but the adults ended up eating it all) :) so that's why I left them out. The nuts may help cut the sweetness as well.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Goodbye Detergent!
Here's an explanation of what they are from their website....
"Goodbye detergent! is a brand new line of environmentally friendly scrubs for your home, made with unique materials such as recycled corn cobs, peach pits, & walnut shells.
These reusable scrubs have natural abrasives that make it easier to clean with no detergents.
All of the scrubs and cleaning pads are made with natural abrasives and they come in 100% recycled packaging.
Just Say No to Soap! We mean it when we say, “Goodbye detergent!”
Our scrubs reduce the need for detergents and soaps which contain toxins and chemicals that are bad for the environment."
And when I checked out where I could buy them I found that they carry them at my preferred local grocery store! Next shopping trip I'm definitely picking one up!
Or you can find them at amazon.com.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Pillow Decor
So, in other news....
Today I continued on my never-ending hunt for the perfect duvet cover. I was completely sidetracked though while on Bliss Living Home's website.
They have the loveliest decorative pillows.
Here are some of my favorites...

Thursday, November 26, 2009
So full of thanks
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.
I just love Thanksgiving. The meal is okay, but I mainly just love the feeling of it.
Getting together with lots of family and just hanging out. I love that it isn't as commercialized as other holidays, therefore it isn't as stressful. I love being in a nice warm home and remembering to be thankful for all that is good in our lives.
I am making pies this year. This is a much easier task than making the entire meal like I did last year! If they turn out pretty maybe I'll post pictures and recipes here.
I also wanted to take a minute to say how thankful I am for the many wonderful people in my life. I literally have the best husband in the world, a fabulous family and family-in-laws, the greatest friends and two adorable, loving dogs. I don't express my gratitude for any of them enough. This blog tends to be a lot about things, but I know that it's the people (and dogs) :) in my life that really matter. I don't know what I'd do without such a strong support system.
Again, Happy Thanksgiving!
Turkey photo from foodnetwork.com.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
"We can struggle, or we can surrender. Surrender is a frightening word for some people, because it might be interpreted as passivity, or timidity. Surrender means wisely accommodating ourselves to what is beyond our control. Getting old, getting sick, dying, losing what is dear to us, what the Buddha taught as the first Noble Truth or life's unsatisfactoriness-- is beyond our control. I can either be frightened of life and mad at life-- or not. I can be disappointed and still not be mad."
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I'm looking for a vintage globe...
I have found so many I love on etsy, but to be honest, they are always more money than I am looking to spend. So I'd like to find one locally if possible.
After I finally find and purchase my vintage globe I will be looking for a new (current/ up-to-date) globe.
I actually saw some really cool new ones at Home Goods not too long ago. They were probably made in China though, so I'll have to keep looking.
Here are some fun vintage ones I found on etsy today.

Seller: Hindsvik

Monday, November 23, 2009
Do we have to fry everything?
I hosted my husband's family on Thanksgiving last year and I seriously thought about buying a turkey fryer just so that I'd have more oven room & time for other things. In the end I just couldn't do it.
Sometimes I am so traditional it's crazy.
I cooked it in the oven and I'll be honest....it was a little dry. I'm not sure what happened, but I'm a perfectionist when it comes to hosting and I was horrified. Everyone said it wasn't too dry, but really....do you ever tell the hostess that the turkey is dry?
Of course not. That's rude.

Anyway, I'm not hosting Thanksgiving this year. But I'm sure I will again for the husband's family next year and I'm already thinking I may invest in the turkey fryer. As gross as it seems to me now.
Find the above turkey fryer here at Target.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
It smells so good
Anyway, as always they had a lot of cute stuff. I could tell you all about the cute hair clips and headbands or the super cute handmade children's clothing, or all of the great jewelry. But no, I am going to tell you about this countertop cleaner that I picked up. Why? Well mainly because I'm weird and I have a thing for cleaning supplies, but also because it smells so good.
You can buy it at Thistle's Home Decor in Draper or on their website.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Talking about Christmas way too early
1) I hate it when people get all Christmas-y before Thanksgiving.
Let's celebrate Thanksgiving AND THEN think about Christmas.
I also hate it when people decorate before Thanksgiving.....come on, six weeks of Christmas decoration is not enough?
2) That being said, I don't even really decorate for Christmas.
Well, sometimes I do a little. I haven't had a tree in years. I don't have kids, so it seems like a huge hassle for just the hubs and me. So, the second thing wrong with this post is that I wouldn't buy Christmas plates and/or mugs. They seem like a waste of money to me, just being used one month out of the year and all. I like to stick with white plates and serving dishes and plain glass goblets and then use pops of color with the napkins, tablecloths and table decorations.

Friday, November 20, 2009
Style School
Registration starts on Monday....I think this would be totally fun!

Thursday, November 19, 2009
On my nightstand....
I just started it, but I am really liking it so far.
There is a great story in the introduction of the book about how the author is riding his bike through Italy in 1991. He was carrying a lot with him and was explaining how heavy his bicycle was. He met another man who was also traveling by bicycle who was basically carrying nothing.
It's a really great story....you should just read it. I wanted to quote the last paragraph of the story here though....
"...It was at that point that I realized that "being prepared" can sometimes be a euphemism for being scared to let go. How much we carry-whether it is on our bicycle, in our bag, or in our home-is often directly related to how little we trust in life to guide us well, and in others to help us out in a pinch. To this day, I have found that traveling light yields a far richer experience."
~Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan
From-Apartment Therapy: The Eight Step Home Cure

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
West Elm Headboard
We have a queen and I want a king.
The problem is we really don't have room in our bedroom for a king.
I actually like my bedroom furniture, but I go to websites like West Elm and see the beautiful headboard pictured below and then I dream about a new king sized bed all day!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Etsy love
This is the ultimate in recycling in-my-opinion! :)

Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
*.*.*FREE*.*.* Recipe Template!
Go to her blog to get the pdf, she even included a version that has editable form fields so you can type in the recipe if you don't want to hand write it.

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wash your hands in your toilet.
The Toilet Lid Sink has been available on Gaiam for a while now. It's such a fabulous idea, not only for saving water, but it would be great for small spaces as well.
With this model you just replace the lid of your toilet...not the entire toilet. On Gaiam's website it sells for $89-$119. That's a great deal! They claim it installs without any tools, another plus!

Friday, November 13, 2009
Now that's good design!

This power socket is not only good looking, it's also a fabulous idea!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
DIY- Where the Wild Things Are {Hat}

Sew your own Where the Wild Things are hat! Pictures and the pattern can be found here.
I am going to attempt this...even though I am not a talented sewer! :)
Layout Issues
So words aren't matching up with pictures and there are a lot of big gaps.
I tried to fix it, but I'm just not smart enough (or patient enough). :)
Hopefully we will have pretty looking posts from here on out!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

While the autumn season reminds me of oranges, reds and browns it also draws me to the beautiful, rich shade of plum.
I love this bedroom.
It's simplicity and the pop of lime green lamps is perfection.

A purple kitchen? I don't think I'm daring enough to do it in my own home, but it looks awesome here.
You can find this painting here on etsy. So pretty.
I love these purple sofas. Especially the shape. This website has lots of great leather sofas.
Beautiful purple wallpaper from Anthropologie.
I love this Watercolor from Print Maker Jenn on etsy.
I am seriously considering buying this for my house.....I'm just trying to figure out where I'd put it.

See how pretty purple can be? And none of these things reminded me of Barney the Dinosaur!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
aw man!

Dammit. It was a good one too!
When the economy was quickly declining and we started to see companies go under I said "Maybe this is a good thing, it will weed the bad companies out and the good ones will thrive."
I. Was. Wrong.
So many fabulous interior designers, design magazines, sub-contractors, architects, and general contractors have gone under. They haven't deserved this.
It makes me sooo sad to see the good ones go.
Goodbye Metropolitan Home, I will personally miss you a lot.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Home Envy

Read about it and see more photos at Dwell's website. (Dwell is one of my favorite....okay it probably IS my favorite magazine. Get a subscription ASAP if you don't have one already!)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Vessel Sinks

Vessel sinks sometimes aren't the most practical in baths that are used a lot for "getting ready". Example: Kids Baths and Master Baths.....they're fine, but I personally wouldn't do it.
In a Powder Bath though, they are PERFECT and beautiful and fun and impressive to your guests. Vessel sinks are fabulous for just washing your hands. Toothpaste and washing your face? Not so much.
{Onyx sink to the left can be found here. $79.99}

They make a beautiful statement in a Powder Bath that your guests will use. I would definitely make it the centerpiece of the bath.....with a beautiful light fixture of course. :)
{Glass sink to the left comes WITH the faucet! I love this sink. I wish it was around when I did my powder, I definitely would have purchased it. Find it here. It is $299.95 INCLUDING the faucet!!! This is a steal people! The faucet is awesome!}
Vessel sinks can be fairly inexpensive. Overstock.com has an awesome selection and today their lowest price vessel sink was only $43.99! That doesn't include the faucet, though you can find quite a few that do come with a faucet. All the sinks in this post are from Overstock.com.
If you are going to get a stone (granite, marble, limestone, etc) countertop a vessel sink is generally less money than an undermount sink for the cut out. The fabricator just cuts out a small hole for the plumbing. Some vessel sinks sit down into the countertop and that may cost a bit more money, but will still usually be less than an undermount sink opening.

{This black glass sink can be found here. This is a beautiful sink and it's only $67.49!}

This sink to the left is the sink that I bought for my Powder about a year ago. It's a really fun sink....my guests always love it! The faucet is really cool. My younger brother's hip 20-year-old friend loves it and always runs into the house when they bring someone new over so that he can show the new guest the faucet. It's too funny to see thing young hip guy totally geek out about it!
Click here for this sink.
Sidenote: I definitely recommend using an undermount sink in a bath that is used a lot (Kids Baths, Master Baths). They make cleaning a breeze!

{Find it here. $348.99}

These last two sinks are white ceramic. I love the simplicity and clean look of white ceramic sinks. I also think they are incredibly timeless. I love the square shape of this sink. Find it here. It's only $209.95 INCLUDING the faucet! I love it when it includes the faucet because you know it will work with the sink!

Last but not least is this oval ceramic sink. Found here. The sink is really great, but that Bamboo Faucet is to die for! Love it. I also love the fact that it is only $249.95 for both the sink and the faucet!